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Sculptural concrete is an emotional product, when value and craftsmanship is added, it becomes timeless.

It’s a bit of a leap from rough sidewalk to a beautiful polished concrete countertop. Concrete has become Röhm Construction's material of choice for design expression, simply because its utility and durability are matched by sculptural sensuality. Sculptural concrete is an emotional product, when value and craftsmanship is added, it becomes timeless.

Look at Bernini’s fountains, Gaudi’s undulating walls…….. Centuries of art and culture are crafted into buildings in Europe. We often look at the past for design inspiration. What vital ingredients are missing in today’s houses? I think it’s the soulful, the simple, the elegant, a quality of craftsmanship, design and respect for materials that we associate with work from other era’s. Now we have an opportunity to invigorate our contemporary homes and lodges with expression and creativity in an age old medium, concrete.


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